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Digitale Allmend (= Digital Commons)

allmend.ch«Der Verein Digitale Allmend setzt sich dafür ein, den öffentlichen Zugang zu digitalen Gütern und deren Weiterentwicklung zu sichern. Er schafft neue Räume und fördert das öffentliche Verständnis fuer eine offene (Wissens-) Gesellschaft».

The association Digitale Allmend has the legal and public lead of the Creative Commons initiative for Switzerland.

Creative Commons

Introduced in Lawrence Lessig's book
Free Culture: The Nature and Future of Creativity.

Creators are invited to make their work freely accessible by granting the general public the right to publish, copy and modify them. CC licenses come in several flavors:

  • by... provided the creator's name is mentioned
  • nd... provided the work is not changed in any way (no derivatives)
  • nc... provided no commercial use is made of it (non-commercial)
  • sa... provided the derived works are published under the same license (share alike)
and some of their combinations.

ECA2010 29.04.2010 11:00-11:30 Room 7&8